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Kimball schools boast six new teachers

As Kimball Public Schools brings in new students, it also attracts 6 new teachers onto the staff.

Mary Lynch Elementary has three new teachers, and the Kimball High School also has three new teachers.

Victoria Ingram, who grew up in Kimball, is the new pre-k teacher. Last year she taught in Sidney.

"I definitely enjoy being the reason the little ones will love school," she said.

She is excited to be working at the elementary school and is ready to not only teach the kids, but to have the kids teach her.

Returning to teaching at the local elementary school will be Lani Heeg in the Kindergarten classroom. Originally was from Kearney, Heeg met her husband in college and moved to Kimball where the family settled. She is excited to meet the children and learn what motivates each of them individually.

"I hope to make an impact on the kids with their social skills and kindness to everyone," Lani said.

Kassidy Malm is also joining the staff in the second grade classroom. She is from Albin, Wyo., and just graduated from Chadron State College, making this her very first year of teaching. Growing up, she always knew she wanted to be a teacher. When the question was asked, "What do you want to do when you grow up?" The answer was always, "Be a teacher." She is excited to meet and grow with her students, and is ready for a new year.

The high school has three knew teachers offering many classes to the students.

Samantha Hanson, from Pine Bluffs, Wyo., is one of the new English teacher offering technical writing, modern literature, applied communications and speech classes first semester and second semester luxury reading class, modern literature, temporary literature, world literature and applied communications.

This is her very first year of teaching and she is excited to begin. She recalls back to when she was in high school and referred to herself as a trouble maker.

"I got kicked out of class once," she said. Later she added the same teacher who kicked her out of class told her about her leadership abilities and took her to her college orientation. When asked what she was excited most about this year, she replied with, "I am excited I got a job!"

Aaron Beyer is the new art, publications and graphic design teacher at the high school with family around the area. When he was just a child, his family moved him back and forth from California to Nebraska. His mom lives nearby and his grandmother lives in Sidney and he enjoyed spending time with her throughout the summer.

"I am excited to see what the students create," he said. He enjoys the thought of teaching and envisions "illuminating their heads." He looks forward to changing their can't into cans and watching students learn themselves, rather than what everyone else wants from them.

David Hellman is taking on the role of the librarian. He was raised in Sheldon and this is his 11th year teaching. Hellman previously spent two years as a librarian and eight teaching Social Studies. He is most excited about the beginning of football season, but throughout the year he will be looking forward to having fun with all the students and he hopes to have more students using the library for classes.

Kimball Public Schools is happy with the new staff members, Kimball High School Principal Eugene Hanks said, "They were good hires."

Beyer is not photographed.