Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Missile Project To 'Ramp Up' In 2028?

That’s What Official Says At Kimball Meeting

Speculation on the location of the Northrup Grumman Work-Force-Hub site continues in the Kimball community. Northrup Grumman has yet to release the location, but representative Matt Dillow detailed a timeline at a June 28 community meeting in Kimball and gave an update on the Sentinel missile project.

The Hub, much like a man camp, is expected to be operational in 2025. The Hub will be preceded by a preliminary camp known as the “Pioneer Camp.” Those at the Pioneer Camp will construct the Hub.

Dillow gave a generalized timeline and thought the missile project would “ramp up” in 2028, and they will be finished around 2030-31.

The massive Hub will consist of a three-story dormitory, with each apartment being 600 square feet. The 60-acre facility will be fenced and have security, housing about 3,000 people. The Hub will support the 3,000 people with a small clinic, grocery store, cafeteria, janitorial and laundry facilities.

The federally contracted workforce will be highly skilled and specialized, including welders, pipefitters, and heavy equipment operators from mainly the Gulf region, according to Dillow.

The workers will be here for 3-4 weeks at a time and work five 10-hour days or more, then return home to their families for a couple of weeks, then back to the Hub. Operations will include two 10-hour shifts. Workers will be bused to the work sites.

The worksites include 150 launch facilities, 10 control facilities, and utility corridors with fiber optics.

Dillow said the intent is to obtain 10% to 20% of the employees from the local area.

The Air Force also gave an update on its part of the missile project.

The Air Force Lt. Col. Green briefly reviewed the Minuteman I, II and III programs and then explained that the Sentinel missile project will be completely different and is a new weapons system. It will be a cost-effective option, according to Green. Sentinel is intended to operate until 2075.

Green stated that Sentinel activity is ongoing at F.E. Warren Air Force Base. They are currently building an Integrated Command center and a training center, with other buildings to follow. In this area, the Army Corps of Engineers is negotiating land acquisitions for the initial area to test in the region called the lollipop.

Green said it is unknown when the bulk of the work will be done in this area.

The missile meeting, at The Sagebrush, concluded and officials with Sidney Chamber of Commerce participated in an informational meeting regarding the possibility of a chamber restart in Kimball. Discussions are at an early stage.