Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First


Candidates Hoping To Represent This Area Answer Observer Questions

The 48th District of the Nebraska Unicameral now includes Kimball, Banner and Scotts Bluff counties due to redistricting.

The 48th seat is currently held by John Stinner, but he will term out at the end of this year. So this year, 24 of the even-numbered seats among the 49 legislative districts of the Unicameral will elect representatives.

Due to redistricting, Sen. Steve Erdman no longer will represent this area.

Following are responses to Observer questions from the five candidates looking to fill the seat. They are being run in alphabetical order of their last names.

The winner of the May 10 primary will determine the victor.

Talon Cordle

Occupation: Self Employed 

Home city: Scottsbluff 

How long have you lived in this district? Coming up on 7 years  

Briefly describe the important issues facing the district, Unicameral and the State of Nebraska in the next few years.  

Taxes, Abortion, 2nd Amendment rights, Constitutional Carry, Federal government overreach into our state, Individual rights, and Constitutional Freedoms. We the people must get our government under control. 

How would you compare yourself politically to our current Unicameral Senator Steve Erdman? 

Senator Erdman is a strong conservative. I would back him up on crucial votes. I would say that I am a little further right and more geared toward individual liberties and less government control. Senator Erdman works hard to uphold the values of Nebraska, and absolutely could use a strong constitutional ally in the fight ahead.