Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Question: What Happens To The Old Hospital?

When the Observer received this question from a citizen, we reached out to the hospital and received this response from Jim Cederburg, chairperson of the Kimball Health Services Board of Trustees.

“Kimball County Hospital DBA Kimball Health Services has had the opportunity to operate for 70 years in a building that is owned by the county. However, it has always been understood that the hospital is responsible for the care and maintenance of the facility.

“Initially, the USDA requested a transfer of ownership from the county to the hospital, which would enable them to secure the property as collateral for the loan. They have subsequently withdrawn that requirement.”

Cederburg continued with his explanation: “The county commissioners have expressed their intent to retain said ownership. Therefore, your question is probably best directed to the county.”

The Observer will be contacting the Kimball County Commissioners to try to continue to get the answer to the question posed by a citizen.