Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Snowy Road Conditions Upset Some Residents

Highway Superintendent Randy Bymer reported at the Kimball County Commissioners meeting Tuesday that some people were upset that the county road graders weren’t out on Sunday or Monday after the snow. Bymer said it was a “bad call on his part,” but weather reports indicated that it was supposed to be minus 40 degrees.

One grader is down, according to Bymer, and repairs appear to be on their way. When not grading the road crews are working on equipment repairs.

The One/Six Road plan has been completed and a public hearing is scheduled for March 16, according to Bymer. He also reported that the GPS units are working good on the road graders and would like the commissioners to consider additional units for pickups when budget time rolls around.

The Road Department is seeking bids for a pickup to replace one that has engine trouble, the notice for bids will be published next week.

Zoning Administrator Sheila Newell provided the January zoning report, which included information on numerous Unicameral bills which would have a possible impact on Kimball County. After a review by Newell of as many as a dozen bills the focus finally ended on LB 424.

LB 424 would require all counties to have fixed-distance, noise standards and decommissioning for wind turbines, thus taking away the local control. It was recommended and the commissioners approved sending a letter to the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee Hearing as testimony in opposition to LB 424.

Newell’s comments included, “Our Zoning Regulations work for Kimball County. They conform to our Comprehensive Plan, which includes objectives and policies for our Energy Element. Our regulations secure safety from dangers and promote the public health, safety and general welfare and are made with consideration given to the character of this county.”

The final discussion item was the approval and adoption of a Highly Communicable Disease policy for Kimball County facilities.

March 15 is the tentative date for the City/County meeting, the county would like to discuss the Visitors Center and the Air Force upgrade with the city council.

The next commissioners meeting is March 2.