Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Randomly Tonia

The evolution of Christmas is a natural progression for millions across the world, and I find that I am no exception. Though Christmas has always been my favorite holiday, has the reason I enjoy this season progressed as I age or has it remained steadily always the same?

When I was young, of course, it was the magic of Santa Claus’ annual visit. As a curious youngster I had so many questions!

How did he know just what I wanted? How could he possibly monitor the behavior of all the children in the world? How did he travel to every home in every corner of the world in such a short amount of time? How did he get into our house with no chimney?

And perhaps most importantly, how was the naughty/nice decision made? Was it a percentage? How could I get ahold of his formula?

I loved trying to stay awake to catch a glimpse of Santa, and I loved that he always bested me.

As I aged into teenage-hood the joy came less in the magic and more in the giving, and receiving. I loved finding the gifts I deemed perfect for my friends and family. I loved seeing what they found for me.

I even loved honing my wrapping skills and found a new fondness for making gifts and the creative side I had not previously explored.

When I became a mom, my joy came from watching the joy on the faces of my beloved children. I marvel still at the twinkle in their sleepy eyes when they found that Santa had indeed visited overnight.

We loved the carry-over tradition of driving around Kimball oogling Christmas lights after a dinner of chili or oyster stew, then going home to sip hot cocoa and open one gift on Christmas Eve.

I added my own twist, as each year on Christmas Eve, my children knew that their Christmas Eve gift would be a brand new set of cuddly pajamas and one movie to enjoy together before turning into bed to anxiously await Santa’s arrival.

I still cherish today the memories we will always share of sipping that hot cocoa from my own childhood hand-me-down eggnog mugs, shaped like Santa and sized just right for little hands.

I have loved the music, the lights the food and the wine, but mostly the fellowship.

Now that my children are (barely) grown, I still love the music but am less interested in decorations, and a harder time finding that perfect little something that makes it so hard to wait until Christmas to give.

Instead, I want to give, and receive, the gift of time spent with those that I love. I want to make goodies with my mom, make dinner for my dad, visit a museum with my darling, go thrift shopping with my daughters, and practice marksmanship with my son.

Yes, for me the joy of the season has transformed, and I am sure that it will continue changing as I do, but at the very center, in the heart of the holiday, love remains. Love for the gift of Jesus and love for those with whom I have been blessed to share Christmas.

Blessings to you and yours this Christmas.

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