Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Rolling out the red carpet - a seminar on presenting Kimball in the best light

A few weeks ago, businesses around the town of Kimball were invited to join Cheryl Burkhart-Kriesel, of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln at the Event Center for a very intuitive training session.

Red Carpet Service Training took place Aug., 17.

When Cheryl got to town she played the roll of a Mystery Shopper, and stopped into a couple of businesses. The point of these stops were to see how the customer service was, and how the employees interacted with customers, even more, how they interacted with tourists and travelers throughout the Kimball area.

This training focused a lot on how we as a community need to better understand how to peak the interest of the travelers and how to keep them here in our community or to get them to want to come back.

What is there to do in Kimball? Is a question I am sure almost every reader has been asked before by someone from out of town. The most common answer is nothing, is that the answer we are wanting to give to those folks coming through town? No, that answer will most likely make them want to keep rolling down the road.

We focused on ideas to try to better our customer service, as well as, to keep travelers in our community. When asked what is there to do in Kimball? You could ask what their intrests are, what they enjoy doing, then go from there. For example “We have a beautiful golf course, with a great restaurant, Oliver is just a few miles west of town. There are many things that Kimball has to offer, but we who live here don’t always remember that these people from out of town don’t automatically know what there is to do!

We have a great community with many things to offer, as a whole we need to work on ways, and ideas to keep those tourist dollars coming in.