Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

County Tax Levy Could Decrease

Commissioners Reviewing Budget Plans

The proposed 2024-25 Kimball County budget was in focus when the Kimball County Commissioners met Tuesday, Sept. 3.

Josi Morgan, county budget officer, discussed the proposed budget and reviewed with the commissioners the changes and reductions that were proposed.

Morgan stated that the suggested property tax levy would be .459339, a reduction of approximately 2 cents from last year. There will still need to be pink cards sent out to residents due to a proposed budgetary increase, and a public meeting held. A joint public hearing regarding taxation is set for 6:15 p.m. Sept. 16 at the Kimball County Transit Service meeting room.

The next regularly scheduled board of equalization and commissioners meetings will be on the morning of Sept. 17. And at 1:15 p.m. that day, the county will have its budget hearing meeting. The following day on Sept. 18, at 8:30 a.m., will be the hearing to approve the budget.

In other news, Randy Bymer, county highway superintendent, gave an update on the county highway department.

He said two trucks with previous issues are now up and running. He also reported that a Nebraska Intergovernmental Risk Management Association (NIRMA) Shop Audit and a Sign Audit has been completed and he is awaiting the results of these audits.

In addition, Bymer discussed upcoming trainings. One is the Scour Bridge Training that he and another employee will attend. The other is the NIRMA Self Defense Conference in Kearney in October that one employee from his department will be attending.

There also is a Nebraska Association of County Officials annual conference in Kearney in December of this year that County Officials will be attending.

Meanwhile, the commissioners approved and adopted a resolution to authorize the chairman to sign the County Annual Certification of Program Compliance 2024.

The commissioners also approved and authorized, upon receipt of payment, a permit to occupy a county right of way for a new home being built by Jay Fennel. This includes approximately 250 feet for cable and internet.

Kimball County Sheriff Dave Hottell discussed having a laundry facility at the courthouse for use by the county jail. He had received an electrical quote but was still waiting to receive other quotes, so it was decided to table the matter and take action at another meeting when all quotes have been received.