Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Beer & Growing

Entinghs Celebrate 10 Years In Business With Beer & Loathing, Laundromat

Ten years ago in August, Heather and Nate Entingh purchased the Wooden Keg and the laundromat from Ken and Nancy Heig, and now the Entinghs are celebrating.

Living in Cheyenne and coming to Kimball for the Farmers Day celebration, Nate and Heather kept an eye on the Wooden Keg. In 2012, the Wooden Keg was advertised, but hesitant to jump into the business scene, Nate and Heather waited. By 2014, the price had dropped, and they took the plunge.

They renamed the bar. Beer & Loathing was born.

But before they signed the paperwork, Heather worked the bar for six months to get familiar with the bus...