Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First


The Kimball Longhorn Wrestlers competed at the WTC/SPVA/MAC/PAC combined conference tournament and finished 14th out of 16 teams with 17 team points scored.

Trey Schindler was the only placer in the tournament. He placed third at 152.

Cody Brinkman at 120 and Matthew Johnson at 106 won one match. Justin Klosterman at 138 was 0-2 on the day. We were without the services of James McGinnis at 132 due to illness.

"We definitely did not have our best performance at our conference tournament," coach Cory McManigal said. "We battled illness all week, which I believe had a big contributing factor in our performance this week. We were unable to hold practice on Monday because we had no healthy bodies to practice.

"Coach Culek and I have decided to give the guys Friday (Feb. 4) off to get healthy over the weekend. We must have everyone at top performing shape this week if we want to qualify for the state tournament.

"Our district meet is in Bridgeport on February 11 and 12. We hope see a large crowd from Kimball come and see our guys battle for state qualification."