Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Getting To Know Kimball's Airport Authority Board

The unsung heroes of small-town America are the volunteers who sit on boards, committees, and commissions; they help run the town and make it a great place to live, work and play.

Unbeknownst to many residents of Kimball are many volunteers that give their time to run these boards.

One such volunteer board is the five-member Airport Authority Board which meets on the third Monday of every month. Ryan McElroy is the chairman, and he has served four years of his six-year term. Unlike most boards, the Airport Authority Board is voted on by the residents.

According to McElroy, their duties include paying regular bills, addressing needed projects, such as new lights and a new hangar. Looking to the future, McElroy knows they will have to have the runway redone.

All the board members on the Airport Authority Board volunteer additional time mowing, cleaning up, keeping the flight center in order. In addition to McElroy, board members are Robert Dunkin, John Ferguson, Greg McDaniel and Don Moench.

Most board members are pilots, but that is not a requirement, and no experience is needed for the position except residency.

Serving on a board or committee enables individuals to be part of the solution to problems within the community.

Other boards or commissions for the City of Kimball include Tree Board, Planning Commission, Park and Recreation Board, Loan Advisory Committee, Library Board, Housing Agency and Fair Housing Commission, Community Development Agency, Citizen's Advisory Committee, Cemetery Board, Board of Public Works, and Board of Adjustment.