Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

City Council Combines Clerk, Treasurer Positions

Kimball City Council had a packed agenda for its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 19. Topping the agenda items was a laundry list of businesses that qualified for reimbursement for the Business Façade Improvement Grants, Business Façade Grant and Business Infrastructure Improvement Grant.

Many businesses qualified for multiple grants. Business that received partial reimbursement were Harley Dietz Rentals, Days Inn, Norberg Automotive & Diesel, Kimball Tree Service and SinEasy LLC.

A public hearing was held to hear comments and concerns about the request to rezone 2.31 acres from R-1 Single Family Residential and C-2 Light Commercial to C-5 Heavy Commercial status. The 2.31 acres are just north of the Frenchman Valley Coop gas station. Kathy Porter, speaking on behalf of her son as a property owner, stated that it appeared that this was an example of spot zoning. Lanny Little also briefly spoke as their property is adjacent to the 2.31 acres.

Daniel Acheson and Lorelei McGuire applied to have the 2.31 acres rezoned with the intent of building 60 10x10 storage units plus vehicle storage. Adjacent landowners wanted to be assured of a fence to surround the property. The council voted to approve the rezoning by passing Ordinance #787, which also required a fence to enclose the area.

City of Kimball Librarian Amber Sweetland presented the annual library report to the council.

According to Economic Development Coordinator Elyse Schlake, Kimball's website is getting a makeover. The colors have been changed to more earth tone colors making it more agriculturally oriented.

Resolution 2020, Adoption of City Logo, was approved. Former Kimball resident Kelsey Snyder Ruzicka from Moxie Marketing of the Midwest located in Belle Fourche, SD designed the new City of Kimball logo. The logo will be used for city advertisements, correspondence and general municipal use.

Finally, Ordinance #786 was approved, which combined the offices of City Clerk and City Treasurer into one. Annette Brower was appointed to the position. An increase in salary was approved for Brower with the vote 3-1. Matt Bright voted against the $75,000 salary.

Previous minutes, claims and financial statements were all approved by consent agenda.

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