Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Resolutions? Here Are Some

According to the History.com website, New Year's Resolutions have been going on for 4,000 years – and the ancient Babylonians were the first recorded to make resolutions.

They promised to pay debts and return any objects they had borrowed. The Babylonians didn't start the new year until March, so if Jan. 1 resolutions don't work out for you, you can have a do over in March.

The Romans also practiced making promises to the god Janus. The month of January is name for this god.

Meanwhile, early Christians began the new year with thinking about one's mistakes and believing to do better in the new year.

Today, New Year's resolutions are more of a secular practice. Instead of making promises to gods, most people make promises to themselves and focus on self-improvement resolutions.

Research shows that 45 percent of Americans make New Year's resolutions, but only 8 percent are successful in achieving their resolution. Be the 8 percent.

Even the 8 percent success rate won't deter people from making New Year's resolutions as those 4,000 years of practice prove. If it doesn't work out this year, we still have March – or next year.

Here's a sampling of resolution for folks in the Kimball community.

"Spend at least 10 minutes a day stretching to stress less."

Chad Wise

"My resolution is to enjoy the little things and live life with less stress and worry."

Erin Heideman

"I tend not to make New Year's Resolutions."

Kirk Evertson

"I should stop gambling, but I'm not going to."

Rose Marie Anderson

"Drink more water and eat healthier."

Pattie Klinginsmith

"I tend to work lots and my New Year's resolution would be to have more family time and more time with the kids."

Andy Bremer

"My daily resolution would be to treat everyone kind, be good to everyone."

Tom Southard

"I have got to get back on track with my controlling my eating habits and exercising daily."

Darcee Wheeland

"I try to strive to do better than the previous year with work and family. The new year is kind of a fresh start again. Try to achieve more and get better each year."

Troy Harper

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