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Potter Railroad Park Upgrading Nearly Complete

The Potter Railroad Park revitalization project is nearing completion, with final installations to take place within the next few weeks.

This project has been ongoing since a survey was conducted in 2018 examining user satisfaction with Potter recreational facilities.

The survey indicated that respondents would like to have improved shelter and picnic facilities as well as access to restrooms in the Railroad Park that is located west of Chestnut and Front Streets in the Potter downtown area.

In addition to a new picnic gazebo/weather shelter, the project will include two new pieces of playground equipment, new rubber mulch to meet updated safety requirements, and new cement and sidewalk work.

Park goers will have easy access to the new public restrooms that have recently been completed just a half-block away from the park in the downtown area.

The estimated total cost of the project is $95,673.

Potter Village Clerk Melissa Gorsuch has applied for and received grants for funding.

A grant for $47,836.50 was received from the Land and Water Conservation Fund through the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

In addition, a partial matching amount from a Waste Reduction and Recycling grant of $2,550 for rubber mulch was available through the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality.