Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Longhorn Building Debate Continues

One Way Street Approved Near Mary Lynch School

The Kimball City Council discussed a variety of subjects at the July 16 regular monthly meeting. Among the items was an update on the City of Kimball swimming pool.

The pool was built in 1982 and according to background information that Carson Sisk had done, the life expectancy of a swimming pool is 25 to 40 years. He also gave a rundown on the filter system, heaters, and other equipment which need attention.

According to Sisk, the city has maintained the pool but it is beginning to show that it is 35 years old.

A variety of businesses received either a Business Facade Improvement Grant or an Infrastructure Grant. A total of almost $20,000 was reimbursed to the following businesses: Franks Parts, Goodhand Theatre, Kimball Auto Parts, Kimball State Bank, Triangle Partners (Conoco), Woody’s Liquor, Nebraska Coffee and the Senior Citizen Center. The money was spent on sidewalks, parking lots, asphalt, ac/heater unit, windows and front doors.

While businesses are getting a make-over, so too are some of the streets, Jim Shoup presented a bid to the council for the 2019 Street Chip Seal Project. The one and only bid from Topkote, Inc. of $77,295 was accepted for chip sealing the following streets: Myrtle Street from 3rd to 9th, also 9th and Oak Street over to Vista Villa, and a small patch near GRI on 8th Street. A total of 21,000 square feet of chip sealing will be done in the town of Kimball.

The Longhorn building made the agenda again, as it has over the past year. The council voted 2-1 to proceed with discussion and an agreement with Shane Hays on Hays acquiring the building.

Matt Bright voted against proceeding with the agreement because one of the stipulations was that there was no cap set on the Infrastructure Grant available to Shane Hays.

Another stipulation was for the Board of Public Works to waive the landfill fee for the Longhorn building.

Matt Bright said.“Most people in town want it tore down”. He continued “We are stuck with it—I say tear it down and be done with it, cut our losses.”

In addition, the council listened to Economic Director, Amy Sapp talk about creating a downtown Business Entertainment District. Only three such districts currently exits-Omaha, Lincoln and Alliance. The vote to proceed with this idea was 3-0 with Matt Bright, James Shields and Christy Warner voting to approve and to move forward. Council woman, Kim Baliman was absent. Matt Bright, James Shields, and Christy Warner were present along with Mayor Keith Prunty and City Manager, Dan Dean.

The Kimball Airport Authority Resolution 2019-01 was approved of by the city council. The Airport Authority asked for and received $25,355.26 of property tax to be used towards the payment of “interest and principal on outstanding bonded indebtedness that is outside of the current lid laws.” They also asked for and received $20,000 of property taxes to be used toward the operations and capital projects of the Kimball Airport Authority.

And finally, parents and children attending Mary Lynch School will need to watch for signs as the council approved a one-way street for Mary Lynch Road—the traffic will now flow from south to north, only. Mary Lynch School is trying to make the bus drop off and the student drop off safer for the students. Many changes are in the works for dropping off children at Mary Lynch.

The 2019-2020 FY draft general budget was distributed to the council for them to study and August 7, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. will be the special budget workshop.

The next regular meeting date is August 20, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.

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