Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Weekly Lenten luncheons set to begin Feb. 25

The Kimball Ministerial Association’s Lenten luncheons will begin on Feb. 25.

The lunches started in 1992 and have been held during the Lenten season ever since. These lunches are provided by the various churches of the ministerial association every Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. for five weeks during Lent. Following the lunch there is a short mediation presented by the hosting church’s pastor.

The lunches are all held at the Presbyterian Church of Kimball, located at 600 W. 7th St. The purpose of these lunches is to provide a time of faith, fellowship and food in the Kimball community during the Lenten Season and to raise money for the Kimball Ministerial Association. The free will donations received are used for community assistance purposes throughout the year for local and transient persons in financial need. This assistance is for urgent or emergency needs of persons who may not qualify for other assistance programs.

The KMA works with other community services and the Salvation Army. The Kimball Ministerial Association also sponsors the food pantry in Kimball. The pantry provides several hundreds of dollars of service each year, so participating in the weekly Lenten lunches is not only a personal benefit — food, fellowship and faith inspiration — but also supports a very important service to the community. The schedule for this year and the hosting churches, starting the week after Ash Wednesday, is as follows:

- Feb. 25: Presbyterian Church, St. Hilda’s Episcopal and The Nazarene Churches.

- March 4: Trinity and Calvary United Methodist churches.

- March 11: St. John’s Lutheran Church and New Hope Assembly of God Church.

- March 18: St. Joseph’s Catholic Church.

- March 25: First English Lutheran Church and Kimball Baptist Fellowship.

The KMA is asking everyone to bring one non-perishable item for the food pantry to every luncheon attended. Especially needed are paper products, personal hygiene items (tooth brushes, tooth paste, shampoo, etc.) and non-food baby products (diapers, wipes, baby shampoo, etc.).

Everyone in the community is invited to participate, and support the Kimball Ministerial Association and the food pantry.

The Kimball Ministerial Association is a voluntary organization of Christian Congregations who work together to assist and care for the people of our community facing various unmet material needs.

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