Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Men 15 to 34 most dangerous on Nebraska roads

According to the 2015 annual report on traffic crash facts prepared by the Highway Safety and Accident Records Section of the Nebraska Department of Roads, 72 percent of all fatalities on the road in 2015 involved male drivers ranging in age from 15 to 34.

When it comes to injuries only, men represented 55.9 percent of the drivers in crashes that did not result in a fatality making non-fatality crashes by men only slightly more common than women drivers. Nevertheless, women still make up the largest percentage (54.4 percent) of injured passengers in non alcohol-related crashes. This is in part attributed to the fact that males drive more miles than females overall, and therefore have a greater susceptibility to having a wreck.

In alcohol related crashes, 52.2 percent involved men from the 25 to 34 age range, 31.2 percent of those resulted in fatalities while 20.9 represented all other crashes involving alcohol. However, the percentage of women injured in accidents drops down to 32 percent when alcohol is involved.

Interestingly, the highest fatality day in Nebraska in 2015 was Sunday at 21.9 percent. However, if you look at all crash types, Friday was the highest day at 16.6 percent followed closely by Thursday at 16.1 percent and Sunday having the least accidents overall at only 10.4 percent even though it was the highest fatality day.

The most likely time of day to have a crash, per last year’s data, is between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. These numbers include both injury and fatality crashes. The next highest times for possible accidents was split almost equally between noon to 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. The earlier time period was more likely to be an injury crash while the evening hours had a higher percentage of fatalities.

In 2015 the most dangerous months in Nebraska were November with 3,455 crashes, 23 of those involving fatalities and December with 3,243 crashes and only 16 fatalities.

Kimball County had 75 total crashes in 2015, with 47 of those considered property damage only crashes, 26 having injuries and only 2 crashes causing fatalities. A total of 49 people were injured in Kimball with three more being fatalities.

Neighboring counties report Cheyenne County with 198 injuries and three fatalities and Banner County with 28 injuries and no fatalities.

Lancaster County, including the capitol city of Lincoln, reported the highest number of accidents with 6,262 total, 3,636 crashes causing only property damage, 2,606 causing injuring and 21 resulting in fatalities.

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