Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Council approves appointment of Coleman, reject revised proposal for Underpass signage

Mike Coleman was successfully appointed to the Board of Public Works at the Jan. 16, 2018 Kimball City Council meeting with Council President Christy Warner casting the sole dissenting vote.

Kimball Mayor Keith Prunty appointed Coleman to the vacancy left by James Cederburg when his term expired at last months meeting. However, the council did not approve Prunty’s appointment at that time. Prunty asked Coleman to provide the council with more information and Coleman supplied them with a short biography introducing himself to council members.

Council also heard the Board of Public Works (BPW) recommendation for Golder and Associates to handle the details of the Kimball Landfill cell expansion project.

BPW recommended a provision included in the upcoming construction bid to ensure the City will not incur charges beyond the bid amount, as the last cell expansion cost an additional $30,000.

The expansion is expected to reach $1.6 million. Council approved the BPW’s recommendation.

Council was asked to consider the future development potential for eight acres of land west of the High Point Welcome Center. Kimball County asked that the land be annexed into Kimball City limits. Annexation could entice developers to build on that land in the future, potentially increasing sales tax and tax increment financing (TIF) funds.

Council forwarded the request to the local Planning Commission so that a public hearing on the matter could be held. The planning commission will then take a recommendation back to council.

Other actions taken by council:

Keno grants were given to the Potter-Dix Post Prom Committe in the amount of $500 and to the Kimball Lion’s Club in the amount of $2,000.

Rejected a revised proposal for signage for the Underpass Project (see separate story in this edition).

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