Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Bike Week nears, share the road safely

As hundreds of thousands of motorcycle riders make their way to Sturgis, SD, this week is a good time to remind everyone how many people will be on the roads.

Whether it is Bike Week or not there are things we all can do to keep ourselves and everyone a little safer on the roads.

Do not text and drive, there are so many accidents that occur because of this, being distracted by our phones is one of the most dangerous things we can do while driving, not just for us but for everyone on the road.

This is true at all times, but please pay extra attention during the summer and now as the bike riders start making their way to South Dakota this week.

In 2015 attendance at the rally was recorded at around 739,000 people which was the highest it has ever been.

Our community is right down the road, so please pay attention these next couple weeks and everyday!