Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Riding bikes and changing lives, one home at a time

For eight years the Fuller Center Bicycle Adventure organization has gathered hundreds of people throughout the country in groups of volunteers who come to ride bikes together and help change lives together in a positive way – by building homes.

These groups are made up of persons from different cities and states throughout the nation who are motivated to make a difference home by home along their journey. This group's journey began in Seattle, Wash., and will end in Washington, D.C.

One such group was spotted along Highway 30 in Kimball on Monday, July 18, as they arrived from Cheyenne, Wyo., and were determined to arrive in Sidney in the evening.

The team will usually cycle approximately 75 miles per day and have pre-determined build days, in which they stop to build or repair homes.

The group is very supportive of each other throughout the ride and have a support van that travels with them for support. At night they stay in churches, usually sleeping on the floor, according the one of the members.

According to the Fuller Center website, "The event is an invitation, not a race - an invitation for every individual, church or business to break from the routine of daily life and follow Jesus's call to love and serve our neighbor, especially "the least of these." Thirty years from now, will you wish you spent more time in an office or more time out exploring beautiful countryside, getting your hands dirty and changing the world?"