Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

No vacancy at Kimball Public Schools - for more staff, that is

With no new resignations or retirements, the Kimball Public School District is now fully staffed following the approval of the board to hire Jordon Sukup for Kindergarten.

“Currently we are full for 2016-2017 school year,” Kimball Superintendent of schools, Marshall Lewis, said. “No vacancies!”

This after Lewis’s announcement during a previous board meeting that it could be a tough hiring year for the district.

Kimball Public Schools business manager Harold Farrar is currently composing a list of new hires for the district. That information will be published when it becomes available.

Also on the agenda for the latest board meeting last Tuesday, May 31, were two capital improvement projects, one for each school.

All eight lunch room tables at the Mary Lynch Elementary school will need to be replaced due to the deteriorating condition, according to Lewis.

The condition of the in-wall tables, which fold into a pocket on the wall is due to their indeterminate age, according to Lewis, who added that the tables may be original to the building.

“We will be doing the same design of packet tables and the cost of $27,364.33 will include the tables, benches, pockets, shipping and installation of eight units,” Lewis said.

The timeline for this project is open, but Lewis anticipates the work to be done mid- to late July, however, that is not confirmed at this point.

Replacement restroom stalls are currently being considered for restrooms near the Harry E. McNees Auditorium at the Kimball Jr. Sr. High School.

The timeline for this project is also vague, according to Lewis, as production of the partitions has just begun.

The total quote for that project is $15,226.53, and Lewis added that school faculty will be installing the stalls when they arrive, to keep the total down as much as possible.