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NASB honors Kimball board of education members

The Nebraska Association of School Boards (NASB), board of directors and staff recognized the Kimball Public Schools Board of Education as a 2015 President's Award recipient during the Gering Region Meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 26.

This award of distinction recognizes the board's collective volunteer time and commitment to education.  The criteria for this award requires that all board members participate in learning opportunities to grow in their governance role by attending education workshops and conferences, conduct a leadership/district goal planning annual retreat, and share in the legislative advocacy for public education.  The Kimball board is one of seven boards from across the State of Nebraska receiving the 2015 award, and Kimball's eighth consecutive year to be honored with the award.

Also on Aug. 26, the NASB, board of directors and staff recognized the 2015 Award of Achievement recipients during the Gering Region Meeting. Board members from across the state may participate in board development training throughout the year by attending workshops and conferences to help strengthen their role in governance, legislative advocacy and stewardship of district resources in support of student achievement. In recognition of their volunteer time and commitment to education, the association commends continued participation and growth in knowledge and best practice governance. Through the Awards of Achievement program, the following board members were recognized at the meeting for their outstanding excellence: Clint Cornils, level five; Jared Hunsaker, level three; and Brad Reader, level two.

Board members are awarded for their participation in NASB services and programs as well as attendance at NASB workshops and events. Just as board members have made a commitment to provide a quality education for students in their districts, NASB strives to provide quality resources and opportunities for its members. There are 10 total levels of achievement that carry over year to year.