Observations all along the line - Kimball & the Southern Panhandle First

Veterans honored at Tuesday ceremony

There was a low rumble of chatter in the High School auditorium Tuesday - the kind of rumble that can be associated with many of Kimball’s community events. This event was different in that students gathered in their best attire to put on a program to honor the veterans of the community.

Young and old gathered together in reverence as the honor guard performed the presentation of colors. This followed with With the entire auditorium on its feet, Christianne Kerr performed a stunning rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. Michael Ferguson, student of the Kimball High School Civics Class, then introduced his classmate, Colton Stull, who delivered some very thoughtful words to the audience about the veterans.

“We can never fully repay the debt we owe to these men and women who have given so much, but we can make sure we try,” Stull said,

Kimball Mayor James Schnell was the next speaker. He stood behind the podium and made several points about appreciating freedoms provided by veterans.

“Anytime you get to do anything, when you go to church, you get to play ball, you can speak your mind, and when you vote, remember in the back of your mind that you can do those things because of the sacrifices made by those men and women who bravely served,” Schnell said.

Schnell also gave the youth of Kimball an assignment.

“First I want to commend you on what you have accomplished this year and ask you to keep up the things you’re doing for the community. Second, I want to encourage those who are graduating this year to get involved. Get your name out there, join boards and committees around town, familiarize yourself with these things and run in an election and serve your community. These are ways you can honor the men and women who have sacrificed so much,” Schnell said.

Schnell was followed by the Mary Lynch Elementary School fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students, who came to the stage to sing a variety of patriotic songs. They were followed by a group of high school students, including Jonathon Withrow, Jessica Hanks, Rowdy Keller, Jaycie Walker and Justin Mohr, who also sang. Mohr read a tribute to veterans that he had written.

Congressman Adrian Smith was the keynote speaker on Tuesday. Smith spoke of his grandfather, who was a veteran.

“Every day when I go to work, I think of our veterans who have served this country and made their sacrifice. I wouldn’t have a job if it wasn’t for what they have done and still do,” he said.

The high school students gave Smith a Kimball Longhorns T-shirt for coming to the event.

The students then played a video that was a slide show of pictures of the veterans from the community. Those veterans present were asked to stand on stage while a list of the community’s veterans was read aloud.

The program concluded with Ben Sauter and Jessica Hanks playing Taps.